Tuesday, December 8, 2009

New Pics Of Myammee I Have An Old Pc I Have Pics On. I Need To Save Those Pics But Dont Have A "writer". How Can I Move To New Pc?

I have an old pc I have pics on. i need to save those pics but dont have a "writer". How can i move to new pc? - new pics of myammee

I have an older computer that I am in. I picture a lot of pictures on my new computer, but DONT old PC has a CD writer, "recorded one have any suggestions, as I offer these photos to my new Copmputer?


Chopperm... said...

Other options:

- Use a flash drive via USB
- Move only your current hard drive to your new team, which is in accordance
- Use a crossover cable and transfer network adapter
- Use a program such as LapLink to move files to
- Use an online backup service for a few days to download and upload files
- Network of the two teams share the folder with the files, then transfer them over the network

Tell us about your Configuaration old PC and can be achieved with better opportunities.

edmund.m said...

Assuming that the new and old PCs are networked ...
1. Link to new PC with old PC (dial-up or Terminal Services), access to the computer age (you need a user) ID in the old PC.
2. Create a new folder on drive C (this step is not mandatory, but is easier to find the files later.
3. As you said, you want to move the image files (there is another way to copy), can then drag and drop the file into the newly created folder or location.

lopezr_5 said...

If the old computer USB ports on it? If so u can get a flash drive to lower prices for all 1-4Gbs and U can send all your photos to postpone his new team, not a problem if:) u dosnt a USB port to connect to have the old computer to the new computer Ethenet ports on the back or the telephone connection than you think.

I hope this helped a little

Lenin said...

A flash drive
Upload Photos

Lenin said...

A flash drive
Upload Photos

Lenin said...

A flash drive
Upload Photos

Lenin said...

A flash drive
Upload Photos

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